Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Future Icons for Translation

Our Fragrant Fruit, OUR trademark and the common annoying topic of questions towards foreigners : Have you tried durians?

A gorgeous Chinese lionhead doorknob as found in our relic collection. And why not, since lions mean so much to us?

Don't leave him out! Let's make him a cult figure again. ;)

Hindhu Deities

And for sure, people should start getting our batik designs found on the gorgeous uniforms of Singapore Girls as tattoos!
And from there, as Singapore is a relatively conservative countries filled with many rules and uniforms, I am inspired to design bodysuits that would be beneficial for professionals, or even students (tsk).

Just so because no one would be left out of the fun of tattooing! :)

I was pathetic... :( (Exhibition pieces)

My 2 Posters. The one on the left was an earlier version.
It was thought to be incohesive; the problems being the unsuitable type and the 'merlion' tattoo was not relating well to the background.

But the final product, on the right, proves itself to be too complicated.
I have added Vanda Miss Joaquim tattoos on her arm, winding in a spiral towards a flower she was holding.
The merlion at the background was meant to give the poster its context. But it was felt to be slightly too imposing.
I felt it was funny, having it looking as though it is being smacked on the face by the national flower.

Now this is my final product:
A chart of tribalised tattoos, depicting our local icons and the sarcastic meanings behind each design.

Of course I will continue with this project, knowing that my research has a lot more room to grow.

I aim to be able to design bodysuits with local emblems, and also the bodysuits themselves, which would allow locals to hide their tattoos perfected under their clothings.